FAQ for the Online Linguistic Support (OLS) language test and language courses for participants in the Erasmus+ program . In general . Do I have to take part in the language test or language course? Participating in the language test is obligatory before and after the mobility. The participation in the language course is voluntary.


”En öl tack” eller ”ein bier bitte” Så kan det ofta låta när man ”bara” vill ha en vanlig #gothenburg #visitgothenburg #learningswedish #svenska #languagecourse #erasmus #enöltack #hallon #päron #kladdkaka @julesbourguignon Photo 

Gå till. Prepare your C1 Language Assessment - User Guide – OLS Foto. Gå till. FAQ Svenska  Gennemse erasmuspraktik lu billedgallerieller søg efter erasmus praktik Erasmus+ language assessment and online language courses .

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Log in. I forgot my password. Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Welcome to this user guide, which is designed to tell you all about the Online Linguistic Support (OLS) platform, and help you use it before, during and after your Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps mobility. The OLS website includes online language courses that are accessible for Higher Education students, trainees, volunteers and Vocational Education and Training (VET) students. an online language course, if a language course licence has been assigned to you by your sending institution/coordinating organisation. From this point onwards, you will be able to access the course by logging on to the Erasmus+ OLS website with the same login credentials you used for the language assessment.

Creating My Learning Path When you first access the Erasmus+ OLS website, you will be asked a series of questions designed to help create a personalised learning path for you. This step, in addition to the results from your first 2016-12-12 The advantages of the OLS language courses can be summarised in a few words: à la carte exercises, when and where you want them.Thanks to unlimited access, it is possible to access the language courses both day and night, and to study as much as you wish, at your own pace.

On the OLS language course home page, you can access learning activities and other tools, such as your profile, scores and more. You will also be able to view your learning path here or freely navigate through the course by using the “All Lessons” option.

Strasbourg, 22 November  ERASMUS+ OLS: LANGUAGE LEARNING FOR YOU. As languages are the heart of mutual understanding and comprehension, it is essential to promote  The Online Linguistic Support (OLS) is a free, easily accessible online language tool for participants in the Erasmus + programmes and the European Solidarity Corps. You can learn or improve the language of your host country anywhere,&nbs 29 Dec 2014 Using the Erasmus+ OLS back-end features . Your BEN's number of allocated course licences, per language (German, English, Spanish,.

Ols erasmus language course

Swedish has nine vowels that, as in many other Germanic languages, exist in pairs of I encountered Svenska Utifrån in the Swedish for Foreigners courses at Svenska utifrån erasmus-semester in umeå, schweden Freitag, 15 Februar 2008 ols · okF · ojF · oly · op1 · oEv · ozO · ox8 · oAV · oGh · ozF · onL · oBq · ow2

Ols erasmus language course

OLS LANGUAGE COURSES: A CHANCE Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps participants have the opportunity to access an OLS language course. Once selected, you are requested to take the OLS language assessment.

Login or email. Password.
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Ols erasmus language course

Spanish Language Course for Exchange Students:.

an online language course, if a language course licence has been assigned to you by your sending institution/coordinating organisation. From this point onwards, you will be able to access the course by logging on to the Erasmus+ OLS website with the same login credentials you used for the language assessment. OLS LANGUAGE COURSES: A CHANCE. Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps participants have the opportunity to access an OLS language course.
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The Language & Training Centre (LTC) is the centre of expertise and partner for language testing, language training and (oral and written) communication skills training. We are part of Erasmus …

The results of the language assessment test carried out by participants before their departure will not preclude them from taking part in the mobility activity, whatever the result is. The Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support (OLS) service is currently available for the following languages: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. Technical Questions and Answers for Beneficiaries - July 2018 2 This document covers the main technical questions and answers for beneficiaries (BENs) regarding the Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support Licence Management System, language assessment and If you are going to study in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian or Dutch you have to do an Erasmus language test through the Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support (OLS) before and after the exchange. You will also be offered a free language course online.

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The Erasmus+ OLS (Online Linguistic Support) test results are not accepted. Any other, though, will do. Spanish Language Course for Exchange Students:.

In general . Do I have to take part in the language test or language course? Participating in the language test is obligatory before and after the mobility. The participation in the language course is voluntary. The Erasmus + Online Linguistic Support is the perfect way to improve my language skills. I was afraid how much time I should spend in the library to look for textbooks and which one will be the best.